Augmented QArt:

Interactive Art Recreation


Problem: In a traditional museum, visitors may ​face limitations such as time, distance, and ​cost, and art installations may encounter ​challenges related to space availability and ​attracting more visitors

Solution: With the use of aesthetically ​detectable codes, known as QArt codes, I ​enhanced accessibility and visual appeal and ​enriched traditional art experiences in settings ​where space is limited.

My role: Digital Media Designer

Organization: UofC

Team: Me and my interviewees

Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, ​Vuforia, Unity, 3D print

Timeline: Jan 2021 - Aug 2023


I created a detectable art piece to connect ​physical and virtual worlds. I started by ​designing the digital code and connecting ​that to Unity (Augmented Reality feature), ​continued by generating the 3D version of the ​code and used both versions in my showcase ​for user study.

Design: 2D digital in Adobe Suite, 3D design ​in Unity

Fabrication: 3D print

User experience test: Observation, Interviews

Analysis and data visualization

Design & ​Fabrication

Using a part of the Harlequin painting from Picasso, I generated a ​scannable design - QArt - in Illustrator and the Vuforia platform to ​visualize the 3D animated form of the painting and its information panel ​on the mobile screen.

QArt enhanced user access and ​engagement with artworks by implementing ​an interactive exhibition utilizing HCI and ​Mobile AR, resulting in an immersive art ​experience.

User experience test

Qualitative user research through ​interviews and observation ​including individuals with art ​backgrounds in my showcase to ​assess the QArt project's ​effectiveness, and gather ​valuable feedback and insights.

By data visualization and ​analysis, I refined the ​exhibition's user ​experience.

Users’ Quotes in Interview

Comic Script Bubble Square Illustration

Someone like me ​who struggles with ​abstract art likes to ​have a tool like this ​to have a deeper ​understanding of ​such an art.

Comic Script Bubble Square Illustration

I can think of ​situations that there ​is a limited space. ​This could help the ​presenter to show ​the most out of his ​or her work in a very ​little space.

Comic Script Bubble Square Illustration

Galleries are becoming more ​interactive, and some people ​complain about that. But I ​think that making art more ​accessible and more ​interesting by using these ​tools is a good thing. I think ​there is a place for digital art ​to make it more challenging. If ​it is done well, there is a huge ​opportunity for different kinds ​of views


QArt codes open new possibilities for ​artists, curators, and designers to explore ​the convergence of physical and digital ​art experiences, ultimately enriching the ​way we perceive and interact with art in ​the modern age. The interaction with the ​QArt codes has left a lasting impression on ​all users, providing them with a unique ​and engaging experience of Picasso's ​Harlequin paintings.

With Python programming and ​visualization skills, I displayed the user ​research data to analyze the project.